Posts Tagged ‘Nori Hashibe’

by James C. Stephens

Sunday, 12:30 am February 22, 1980

Relaxation was the order of the day. Liz, Eric and I slept in then took a long walk along the beach. It was Eric’s and our first time on the beach together. Eric was comfortably zonked. I was happily carrying him in the baby backpack. Liz and Eric were a sight. 80 degrees out, rolled up pants, camera, and blanket, Eric and me in a turtle neck. I loved it. Although a bit tired and out of it. It was a beautiful day and the company likewise.

Had an interesting talk with Nori Hashibe, my Landscape Architecture Design Skills Professor on Thursday night. On our way out from class we talked and  he suggested we stop in the North Campus Food facility for a coke or something. Our conversation was about the Soka Gakkai and Nichiren. He felt that the Gakkai was basically a lot of disillusioned people whose only way to win a title in society was through the Gakkai’s own social system. Then later when the Komeito party rose it was a shock to many people that this party rose from these people. Nori was really happy to hear that the American people didn’t really go for the Gakkai organization. It is really a credit to the character of the American people. I said the Japanese seem authoritarian. He took that and said not all that way. The Gakkai works and some organizations operate that way. We talked of the purity of the founder and later of the person who is the politician who broadcasts the religion. “Ikeda has a lot of power problems,” he said. Nittatsu Shonin did not really like him. I said they did not get along at first, but later that changed. Nichiren Shoshu High Priest was concerned with purity. It’s a matter of organization. He said organization are not always bad, they accomplish great things. Look at UCLA. Nichiren did one great thing, Nori said. He put religion above the state. This was like Siddhartha. We talked about much more, varying from teaching style, the upcoming trip to Japan, the Greenhouse. While walking to the parking structure, Nori said he felt that when he personally became aware of philosophy and the reality of life he began to use it in aesthetics to become aware of life. That was a “right on the mark perception. We parted silently content at that moment with a nod. Sometimes it’s better not to speak. I felt very quiet on the way home just listening to the North wind and the hum of the engine. It was as warm as a summer evening. I sat on the porch steps and gazed at the beautiful moon and soaking in the peace of the night. If the night could speak, the silence of the night was speaking in harmony with my mind.

Friday I had an appointment with Bruce Smith to go over our design for his landscape. Kevin told me at the party Saturday night. He heard directly from the horse’s mouth that it had gone very well. He was impressed because I was very straightforward, open and vulnerable with him and did an excellent presentation…That experience with Bruce was very encouraging for me. At first I was a tad bit nervous and then surrendered to it. He said he was surprised I was not unglued having a young infant. I said, Quite frankly I never realized how uptight I was physically and spiritually until Eric came along. I recognize that now and find it difficult to relax. He said you may really just be more sensitive to your environment and reacting. That’s possible. Afterwards I visited  the PCH project, interesting design project in Malibu on a hillside overlooking the ocean.

Got to hair appointment about ten minutes late. No problem. Spent an hour and a half with Sonja. Had a terrific conversation about Japanese culture, religion, etc. Left there with a beautiful haircut with first class treatment. Got home ate. Liz and I planned out what to do for our party. It’s a miracle we got the house together by Saturday night.

The party was terrific. About 70 people showed up. It was an eating, drinking and talking party. Reestablished a lot of contacts with friends. Sue Nigh finally made it. ( Sadly she passed away at a far too young age in _____ Sue was a very sweet person and will be missed). Sue said she talked to Carol Dell. Carol said Russ (Dilando) was really sorry he returned his Gohonzon. Obviously none of them knew Gary Curtis still has it. That was good news! The bad news this morning came when I got up and Lyla and Togo (our two cats) were nowhere to be found. Finally Lyla came back in. Togo was under the house, hissing and evidently not doing too well. They didn’t like that so many people invaded their space last night.


by James C. Stephens

January 28, 1981

Life is moving quite fast. Will find time to write soon. The urge is not quite here yet. Tomorrow Eric gets his shots. I am concerned, yet feel it is important so he is protected from some of these treacherous diseases. I pray for his health. He is getting so much bigger. He is communicating more. He sort of giggles, has a beautiful smile and radiant eyes. It looks like he has strawberry blond hair. He loves to be sung to, stands up holding my forefinger. Pulls himself up. He sleeps between us. We both love it. He is truly a joy. Has been moving his head back and forth for a few weeks now. Starting to experiment with variations on crying. People really love him a lot. He’s a fortunate fellow and we feel fortunate to have him…Variations on talking too, with cries. Beautiful boy.

Things to record. Culture Festival, Wattles, Karen and David and Daniel’s, Jane Dundee’s birthday, Talk with Vic, Incident at the World Culture Center, Susan and Larry Shaw, Liz and me, Super Bowl Sunday, Katie Newman.

February 2, 1981

Met with Bruce Smith on proposed plan; went for our ideas, next step presentation plan. Liked my idea of tension structures for above his proposed Jacuzzi.. Took revised plan to Mrs. Sadowski, she liked our revision. Much more excited about whole concept. Met with Craig Browne about contracting landscapes. Did not feel quite right on interview. Likeable fellow, but in a close working relationship as we have we must be sure as possible. ..Home at 8pm. Liz and I talked for a couple of hours. Sure felt good to really communicate with one another. Talked about career, style what we need to develop. These talks are what I had been missing. Physical is so related to, so inseparable with spiritual. Liz wants to develop as a tax consultant and to develop own individual style. We fully communicated our feelings.

Nori Hashibe, my Landscape Design instructor and friend

February 12, 1980

The word on the Landscape Tour to Japan is “GO!” It’s now on. On again, off again. It has caused Liz and I both some frustration. Coming up with $2900 prior to departure and receiving our tax refund is no light matter. Somehow, someway.

Anyway, celebrated tonight with some Sake’. Got blitzed. Nori and I had an interesting conversation about the boring usage of space. We discussed concrete—sand garden statement. Need desert space. Thought tonight about have pieces of technology pieces incorporated in the landscape. Nori’s statement would be hey look at this way of dealing with landscape. Last 300-400 years boring. Nothing much really new.

Human statement.

Explorer—Risk—Pacific Civilization—Does not mean Japanese cultural importation. Synthesis of many forms, movement.  Together we are basically from the same generation. Serious, yet optimistic. With a great force we could pull in people like Francis Dean. Basically he’s pessimistic right now. In past, youth probably great ideas. We would rekindle these ideas and he might come along. His social movement not optimistic. We need lightness, playfulness, inventiveness.

Nori thinks I’ll be good for Kevin Dunn. I think there’s a lot in Kevin. Some basic middle class ideals, but at this age can change. I’m not saying I have nothing to learn from him. I do. Exciting movement.

Greenhouse by the way is now in construction phase. Yippee! One piece of down news, is all of our brick was taken out and back. What a drag! Oh well. The fact is the glass is being repaired and the saran added. What a great step for our program.

As for dealing with Dr. Roberts. We can’t, need not be sucked down to playing in his inane university political games. Just call his hand and play around him. Let him do his thing and not get sucked in.

Kevin and I communicating a lot. Establishing a relationship is not always easy. I have a good feeling about our chances of making it though. He’s not rigid, but sensitive and flexible, innovative and sharp.

We are starting computer sessions with Harvey next week. 1 hour per day. We are going to put together, design some software for plant design, etc. Also putting together the source book. Using computer word processer—names, form letters, to be sent out—great!

Kevin and I on same frequency about direction and complement each other’s work. Another interesting development is that Mike Pearson’s mom knows Hawaiian nurserymen who can be our connection for good subtropical plants.

Met with Greg Hanson referred to us by Nori for residential design in Malibu. Interesting possibilities. Greg nice sincere guy, but lacks confidence. So do I, but in a different sense. He too would like to be part of our team.

Met with Bunnie and Stephanie on Sunday. Liz, Eric and I dropped by around 4:00 and discussed landscape with them and came up with some interesting ideas and a proposal.

Liz depressed this week, I worry about her. More sad for her than anything. Want to share my excitement! Been getting home a little late. Trying to get established in company. I do enjoy it and she says she understands.

Eric is playing more. Such a beautiful smile he has. He’s talking—babbling, whatever it is, it’s his form of communication and its beautiful. I love to look at him. He’s so pure. I fear losing him, yet I surrender and feel more vulnerable and love him all the more each moment.

Mom’s babysitting on Saturday so Liz and I can go out for our anniversary dinner. She’s been depressed about how we can find someone to care for Eric when she goes back to work.

She’s been real busy getting the invites out for our party on the 21st. Should be a lot of fun. I have felt a bit under the weather lately. Stomach aches and basic disharmony. Liz and I need to communicate fully.

Vic has been trying to get ahold of me regarding the dissident NSA movement. I have not gotten back to him as I do not agree with his tactics and spirit. He talks of going to the press about NSA.

Called Dad, Ron and Mom last night. Been thinking more about family.

Got a letter from Reverend Sakata conveying his congratulations on our party, but expressing why he wouldn’t be able to attend. Must protect temple, no provisions for leaving. I can understand. What an incredible responsibility to Kosenrufu priests have.

Working on the promotional brochure for our landscape business.

The Star System, a multi family, live work structure I designed.

Walter—friend from Brazil said they are going to use my star system idea in Brasilia and will invite me to the dedication. Don’t know all the details. Will talk to at the party.

Have not felt attachment to NSA, but still feel mission for kosenrufu however.

Pam Zinser would like to help Liz shop for clothes. I mentioned it to her and she accepted the idea and said she liked Liz and felt she would like to get to know her more.

It’s getting late. Better get some zzz’s.  Goodnite.

by James C. Stephens

January 13, 1981

First day at work—Pacific Architectural Design—Pacific Palisades. 8:30 brought in my library; did some drafting, drove to Paramount, picked up terra cotta pots from U.S. Pottery Factory. Saw how pots are made, interesting process. Will write more about how job came about. Want to hit the hay for now.

January 19, 1980

Tom Lockett, Land Images at UCLA Greenhouse Landscape Architecture Show.

Faculty meeting tonight. Finished project on student evaluation. Was behind schedule, but fortunately got in on the beginning of regular business. Unfortunately, I missed the student presentations, but did get student evaluation approved by faculty. It is excellent and I think it will prove extremely helpful to counseling and therapy students. Talked to Bob Kelley about student association and teacher evaluations. Greenhouse bids accepted; in process of being approved by UCLA bureaucracy. Talked to Bob Kelly re: $ for research from American Institute for Landscape Architecture (AILA). Possibly some dollars for writing on China. Write an article pushing (China/Japan tour). Get copy ready for newsletter edition—typing by Penny.

Work is going well. Thursday/Friday did base sheet on job and got blueprinted. Slow, but will pick up speed. Found out that Michael Pierson, the President of the company used to work as an instructor at Mammoth and knew my brother Ron. He was tired of being poor among all the glamours of being an instructor. Five years ago he started P.A.D. We do construction remodel, spec houses, have an architect on staff, do landscape design and construction. Basically we’re a design build firm.

Tom Lockett bought me a beer after the meeting. He said, we’ll learn a lot by basically treading water. It’s a great opportunity. We talked about money, friends, opportunity, children, design, design office, design secretary idea. He told me he would like to hire four more people on his firm. Me, Kevin, guy from Cal Poly Pomona, girl Molly. He also said you’d be crazy to pass up trip to Japan/China.

Went with Liz to World Culture Center on Saturday for a toso. Chanted a good hour or so. Talked to several people we hadn’t seen in quite some time. Eric of course was with us. He smiled at most all the girls. He give us so much joy. I love him so much.

Saturday morning—first day at Wattle’s Park—restoration of Italian Renaissance Garden, Bicentinneal project. Francis Dean gave a talk on construction theory. He is an incredible visionary. He encouraged me to take advantage of the opportunity to see China. Very few see it. You would be among the youngest in the field to see it. Talked about talents. He also still wants me to come out take two days of classes per week. Must set up appointment and apply, putting best foot forward.

Sunday, Liz, Eric and I did a lot of shopping. Tired out.  Had company—Chris Scott and Angela. Afraid we weren’t 100%. Nevertheless we had a pleasant dinner and evening with them. They are getting hitched in May!

Today did design work—Kevin Dunn liked a couple of my concepts. I need to learn so much more. Step at a time.

Hostage release is in final phrases. Interest on frozen assets holding up final release negotiation.

President Reagan being inaugurated tomorrow or should I say today.

President Ikeda arrives in L.A. on Wednesday for Cultural Festival on Saturday.

Sunday, ran into Don Dean and a friend of his at American Burger for breakfast. Had caught wind previously that Don Dean was interested in marrying Sandy Shore. I diplomatically fond this out directly from the horse’s mouth. He admitted so.

Ran into Pamela Grau. She has new Venezuelan lover. She is quite happy.

Chess called regarding the Youth Men’s movement. Non-political—supports me somewhat.

Tom complimented Nori and my Japanese field book.


p.s. talked to Mike Strawbinger, had baby boy on Thursday,  January 15.

Visit David and Karin.

Talked to Greg—paralyzed several years back. Neat guy, encouraging..talked to Chris DeLisle..

by James C. Stephens

January 5, 1981

You know something?  I’m starting to feel older. It saddens me a bit. It’s sobering fact. Soon I’ll be 30. For the first time in my life I really want to live. It is such an unbelievable joy I have being with my son Eric. Whenever he hiccups or cries I feel his pain, I’m sure more than he does. Life. A life struggling to live. He’s so dependent on us. I want so much to help him, support him as best I can. Words can not express the love I have for him or for Liz.

What is in a word?

A tear, a pain, joy.

Yesterday I attended NSA General meeting at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. It was really quite a waste of time except for seeing some people I hadn’t seen in quite some time. I saw Sam Younghans, Lou and Andrea Arevalo and their daughter Eliza, Vic, Marta and Eric Adint, Molly Ryder, Barbara Mitchell, John DeGomez, Sue Nigh, Lee and Karen Pederson, Ted Burleson and his son, Dale Clark and his daughter Vanessa, and several other people. Jimmy Hettinga, Jim Wesrick, John Kayler. The meeting was pretty much the same as five years ago. The fact is that no innovative changes have taken place and the use of time is poor with little or no preparation going into these leaders speeches. Same rhetoric. The theme was something about the power and passion of youth and not one youth spoke.

Williams again talked about all the great things coming from Japan, this time in relation to Santa Domingo. I’m really ashamed of this movement at the present time. I rather hear any number of speakers than I would our own. This is a sad commentary on the state of our movement. Strange as it may seem people still come out of there encouraged. I however came out a bit depressed and perplexed as to the next move to take.


Translation editing. Worked until 3:30 am last night. Finished more articles for Nori.

Questioning validity of spending $3,000 on overseas landscape tour especially during these crucial times.

January 9, 1981

Dad sold the VW Bug for $800, so we split it down the middle–$400 a piece. Liz and I are spending $100 on ourselves and the rest on bills. Butsudon will be paid off in about 6 more payments. Today I had a choice of buying one suit for $128.00 or several small items that would be more utilitarian. I chose the latter. I bought a kitchen utensil rack for the kitchen from pottery barn looks really great in the kitchen (we still have it!), something for Liz, a Sherlock Holmes cap for me, Popeye cup for Scott (my cartoonist friend and member), and ½ pound of special coffee.

Michael, Kirk, and Liz and I (Eric slept) watched American Gigolo tonight- a real loser of a movie. Really not worthy of mention, except that they stopped by.

Felt a little strange later. Did Gongyo. What I’d do without this philosophy I don’t know. I feel so much more at ease. The world is crazy and it makes no sense, all these killings in LA. I felt for all my friends tonight. I sent them my prayers. Life is definitely the most precious treasure. I sincerely prayed for all my friends. It goes without saying for my family and relatives. L.A. is quite insane. I thought of Ric and Bethany Coleman tonight. I worry about them in that neighborhood they live in. I personally am going to spend some money on curtains for the living and dining room this weekend. it’s a matter of common sense. Same for Pat Francis next door. I feel uneasy sitting with the lights on in my living room while people can peek in at night. It’s an invasion of my privacy. It’s nice during the day to have light, but that’s no reason not to have curtains. Need to beef up security. Although there is no such thing as security, there is. Middle of the road philosophy, wisdom.

My feeling about NSA and controversy is changing. It really doesn’t matter much to me anymore. I have the Gohonzon and I plan on turning more of my friends onto the practice. This is about the only thing I am concerned about. I am also thinking that I want to meet with my friends and talk of Buddhism. I value my friends. I’m tired of theory alone. I’m more primarily concerned with family, life, and just living a just and creative life and helping the friends that I have.

Maybe I should care more for family. I mean everyone including Aunt Sharon. All one can ask of another human being is commitment and caring. I think she must care.

I’ve been thinking more about my star system idea.

The Star System, a multi family, live work structure I designed.

Liz and I talked of writing some comedy for T.V. So much bad stuff around these days its unbelievable. Why not us?

Liz, Eric and I went over to Elisa and Edwards for going away party for Christina. She and her husband are returning to Brazil. We had a lively time. Met many friendly people—Walter and his wife. He’s studying public administration at USC. They’re from Brasilia. We talked of star system. He loved the idea. He’s working on a rural system in Brasilia. Talked to a film student at UCLA. Liz talked to Karen, nice gal getting divorced. Ex husband a creative artist worked on Popeye.

Anyway, better hit the sack—tomorrow is first day at Wattles Gardens, better get some rest.

P.S. I just wanted to add I was so depressed yesterday, I had no desire to live. I chanted in evening Gongyo to have the desire to live. Just now I realized my prayer was really answered. I really want to live—no fooling. I appreciate my being on this planet in this body. Life is so valuable and I’ve wasted so much time. Maybe not. Maybe to get to this point everything was necessary.

Can’t sleep. Too much coffee—stupid!

NSA: Should work on worthwhile projects like hunger projects, gun control; nuclear weapons limitation. NSA is being selfish, irresponsible and immature. Money spent on travel to Hawaii—better spent on feeding people—feel their pain. They are same as us. Much better P.R. if NSA working with Human Potential Movement; alignment with Aquarian Conspiracy. Nichiren was an Aquarius. Age of Aquarias!!

Correspondence. Write for information in back of Aquarian Conspiracy book. Have a special library for the program. Aquarian conspiracy—philosophy.

Jim holding Eric across the street from our apartment 1133 Sixth Street, Santa Monica across the street from the NSA North American Headquarters. 1981

I love watching you Eric. When you’re waking you make all sorts of faces. I could watch you for hours. You toss your head back and forth many times. Your littleness amazes me more and more. You peep your eyes or open your eyes at look at me and then fall back to sleep. At times you open your hand to see if I’m there or if Mom is. You are a joy to watch. I hope and pray you live a long life. As you smile in your sleep or awake, I wonder what you feel. You breathe more rapidly than we do. Sometimes I wait to hear you breathe. Sometimes you mew like a kitten as you breathe. Mom and I love you very much. Sometimes I get frustrated at your crying, but I’m human you see. I’m growing too and you are a great help to me. Thank you. I love you. So natural. As I look at your Mom—I realize you are a lucky little man to have such a lovely Mom. You have chubby little sucking pouches and strawberry blond hair, blue eyes. I never knew I could love someone as much as I do you.

by James C. Stephens

December 30, 1980

Temperature at bedtime last night was 100.5 degrees. The flu evidently caught me. Dad told me when he was over on Christmas Eve that I felt real hot. I now recall being quite achy and a bit sick to my stomach. I did not realize at the time that I had “the flu”…

Irene Bagge gave me a real good piece of advice that just struck me with a lot of meaning tonight, a sort of delayed reaction. She told me re: any idea including my source book, “Don’t let your idea get out to anyone, it depletes the energy of it, the energy leaves the idea. Put all of your creative energy into making the idea a reality…Tonight I realized why I write. Writing is a creative outlet for my personal energy #1. #2: People obviously like what I tell them or at least it causes them to think. The problem is my ideas lose energy, because each time I have to dredge up what happened, the who, what, why, when, where syndrome. It takes a lot, I mean a lot of energy out of me. What I am learning is use of my life’s energy. This is a monumental realization for me. Why I always though newsletters were a good vehicle to convey thought. Instead of calling and gabbing an idea to death. I must first express the idea on canvas like an artist. I can’t just be a talker, the energy best go on paper much like when I designed a restaurant space in drafting class.Creative use of time, and creative communication.

Another reflection, I don’t like using the typewriter, it tires me extensively and my back does not like beating the keys. As for editing Nori’s translations, I can make my writing extremely legible. After all, I spend a lot of time getting A’s in penmanship. My ideas may change if I get into word processing computers. Then it would be final layouts, etc. But for sending copy to get typed, it suits me better to write it out by hand.

Last night I got a call from Rita Sinclair which disturbed me. Without doing an analysis of Peter Sinclair, the gist is that he worships the ground Mark Courtin walks on and told me, haven’t you heard? He’s being appointed Beverly Hills YMD Chief. Frankly I felt like I was being stabbed or at least having the rug pulled out from beneath me. It was a short call needless to say. He purveyed the news poor sucker. I didn’t let my steam out on him.. As you know I did quite a bit of work comparatively speaking to get things rolling in the Youth movement in B.H. I was pissed. I gave myself along with Liz’s help my coolant and found I needed a bit more. I was at first tempted to let my steam out by calling Mike or Bruce before confronting the rumor myself. I learn. Keep the energy, don’t blow it out. Go to the source, after all it could be unfounded. Called Al Albergate. Diana said he’s in the middle of dinner. Can he call you? Sure. Fuming like a kid whose toy was taken away was the way I normally would have reacted. Shew! A little calming music and write and read. Read the Lotus Sutra, a tasty morsel when you are in the state to read it with your life. A passage from Sakyamuni’s Meditation Sutra. In it he says,

“In your innumerable former lives, by reason of your organ the eye, you have been attached to all forms. Because of your attachment to forms you hanker in the dust.” Anyway I read on and it talked about all 6 senses and their need for purification.

I calmed down a bit and wrote this passage down from the same sutra:

“The ocean of impediment of all karmas is produced from one’s false imagination. Should one wish to repent of it, Let him sit upright and meditate on the true aspect of [reality]. All sins are as frost and dew, so wisdom’s sun can disperse them. Therefore with entire devotion Let him repent of his six sense organs.”

Brass Band

I wrote but did not feel that “this is a blessing.” The call then came. We talked, then communicated for over two hours. He told me that he had been racking his brain and trying to come up with a way to tell me about his and Wendy’s meeting with Mark Courtney and Mark Courtin. He was so impressed with Mark Courtney’s sincerity and promotion of Mark Courtin that they agreed that since Brass Band and RSG is the movement that is President Ikeda’s idea for young men and his direction, we should have someone who has the energy and enthusiasm to be in Brass Band and also has a strong connection to the territory where all the activities are happening.

[I was now going to call Bruce Barnes at home so I could call him later since I wanted desperately to finish this journaling. Support from the universe–his number is out of order at this time–onward and upward…] I really felt that Al wasn’t being straight with me, so I said, “Al. Be straight with me.” This of course is the condensed can of milk, but what it came down to was–I am not trusted by the young men’s establishment now in power, and two–I am not trusted by some individuals in Beverly Hills. Whenever your name is brought up it raises controversy–Who? What?? Wendy Clark? Sort of I can’t name the individuals. But let me say your idea of the Youth movement having a broad base I accept and I have talked to you and get a good sense of what you’re saying. I just don’t think the conservative elements will go for your appointment at YMD Chief in Beverly Hills. What’s the line on me Al? That you quite NSA and joined the Temple. That you left NSA and got into Actualizations. Let me tell you that everything I did from being involved in the Open Forums and learning everything I could from my association with Actualizations was to bring stuff back to the organization that could help it improve. It was never done with any sort of malice. As for some people who were involved in Actualizations and made accusations about this Buddhism, etc. I didn’t, but I am sure to find my name strongly associated with these perversions of the truth. “Well I understand, Al said, “the problems, but this opinion of you.” They don’t trust me. Al, you know what I think? I think that a lot of people sitting in the white towers aren’t bringing in new air. I have friends, young 23-24 driving Mercedes that don’t want to toot a horn (speaking of Brass Band). These guys are serious about their careers much younger than I was. We haven’t even opened our doors to these dynamos. What I’m saying is not putting down Brass Band and RSG. I’ll support the a 100%. If a guy wants to learn music I’ll bust my ass getting them there. As far as–thought here–I want to connect with Michael (One of the Actualization workshop trainers who wanted to help our organization achieve its full creative potential), but I don’t want to take my energy off this writing. When its there use it…Anyway. My idea is to come from a Youth movement that is broad based, I talked to a lot of the older Young Men’s YMD and to Patrick and others. They don’t want the same boring stuff. I talked with Andy Williams, he’s not interested in Brass Band, he’s interested in women, booze, school and making some spending money. The question is How do we attract these people to this philosophy? Is Mark Courtin talking about these matters?

Al: “this is what I’m concerned about Jim. We have to come up with some sort of collaborative committee. I said, “I’m tired of this bureaucracy Al. Maybe I have misjudged the guy. But he is also the person who came to two of our Youth Development meetings and then went to Mark Courtney in Santa Monica and said ‘there’s nothing happening in Beverly Hills. They’re all talk. I’ll practice with you guys.’ Well, when Mark Courtney told me this, I felt a lot of malice hurling my way. He could have said, “Why don’t you give him some help. It looks like they might need it.” Instead he took him under his wing, built up his power structure and in no way lent me any support. Well obviously the guys down there are playing the traditional role models. Al said, “I need someone serious in there. My feeling is somehow to bridge both sides here. You’re saying you can’t support the guy.

No, I didn’t say that. I said I can’t support putting him in charge in the old manner. I see no reason why he can’t be Beverly Hills Brass Band Representative. But everyone thinks these BB reps are the new YMD leaders like Mark Courtney. Can’t you see what’s going on down there? I have eyes, I understand, but I don’t think throwing you in there with them is going to be a good connection.

Look Al. If it all comes down to it, it’s really quite simple. If I know anything its how to support someone. I don’t need a title.

Al: I don’t think it’s that easy. If we’re going to implement some of your ideas you need a title in their eyes. That just is the way things are working here at present. My intention was not that Mark is the perfect guy for the job, but that he “could grow into the position.”

Al, let’s get serious. Well with you or someone as an adviser. The problem is that I don’t know if he would take you as an advisor. You have a problem Al. I have the connections to all the old youth members, You talk to him and whatever you come up with let me know. (A couple of times I reversed questioning on him when he put me on the spot, I believe purposely). Until I hear from you things are status quo. No sense to it until you folks make a decision. A couple of times I apologized for being emotional. He said, “I didn’t think you were in the slightest considering the weight of this matter. You can tell I was interested in what you said as I listened a lot.

Al-the obstacles you hit in your eleventh year are really interesting. Whatever way this goes I consider it a blessing. Thanks for being frank with me. I really think that thorough communication is the answer. In my relationship with Liz and my friends this works.


JCS Postscript November 19, 2020. Many years later I was on a radio program and unbeknowst to me the commentator brought Al Albergate on to participate in the interview and introduced me. Al simply said, I don’t know him. I meet so many people being the Director of PR for NSA. (He had also worked as the PR Director for Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley).

A number of years later, I was filming a documentary on the 100th Anniversary of the 1893 World Parliament of Religions in Chicago and briefly ran into him on the steps at the Palmer Hilton where he greeted me, “Hi Jim.” Hi Al.

by James C. Stephens

December 24, 1980

It is a very different Christmas Eve for me, for us this year. Somehow the magic is not there and at the same time I’m not worried. Eric is now a month old and he is a joy. In a year or two we can share Christmas though Eric’s eyes too. Hearing little Time and Kateland upstairs, so excited that they now have their own separate rooms (made out of one room) was a joy. That pure excitement and innocent joy was so pleasant and heartwarming to share through the walls.

Happy new parent’s James and Elizabeth and our newborn son Eric.

Something very deep has changed for me. I am also seeing life a tad more seriously. (Here I am 29 years old, new father trying to make sense of the next steps in our life). Although I am quite happy, I still am a bit miserable. the fact the magic of Christmas is not here is a result of my laziness I feel. As much as Liz tells me that I’m okay, I do not feel satisfied as far as what I am personally doing.

I am finally making some headway in my career search and am working, yet I lack one big element: discipline. The fact is I enjoy doing things, accomplishing things. I feel terrific even doing the dishes. I am coming to some direction career wise and am to some degree afraid I am a flake. I do not want to hold onto this self image. From now on I want to make some inroads stemming from a more disciplined consistency and make a place for myself somehow.

I also worry about Liz’s awareness at times. Of course we both affect each others actions and I am not falling into a trap of “victim” to anything. The house needs a major overhaul. I want to sand furniture-dining table, chairs, etc.; curtains for the rooms, paint, refinish floors. I want to have some real style in our life. I do not want to live in mediocrity.

I was the Student Representative to the UCLA Landscape Architecture Faculty Council. Here I am with Pat Francis in the Greenhouse which we refurbished to use as our lab and an exhibit site for the amazing student work. Many of the students were working professionals. It was a privilege for me to serve on the council with leading designers such as Lou Naidorf, the Sr. VP of Design for Weldon Beckett who designed such sites as the Mark Taper Forum and Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Century City, LAX, the Beverly Center, Standard Oil Building in NY; and also Francis Dean of EDAW, the famous Landscape Architecture Firm, Ecbo, Dean, Austin, and Williams, and Joseph Linesch, Landscape Designer of Jungleland at Disneyland; and Calvin Hamilton, Director of City Planning for the City of Los Angeles.

I must start earning some consistent salary and organize my activities to meet my desires and needs. Clothes, wardrobe for Liz and I must be sharp in 1981. The following are areas and specifics I want to work on in 1981.

Spiritual Development: Consistent Gongyo and one hour daimoku, something reasonable; Youth program; Mentor connection with President Ikeda or David Crump; share the philosophy-shoju.

Career: Landscape Architecture Sourcebook-go or no. Improve Progress Print-monthly, develop greenhouse at UCLA; job in field with Land Images. Resume-Executive Design Secretary; work on writing skills; portfolio; study with Nori Hashibe and Francis Dean at Cal Poly Pomona, Wattles Park; trust the process.

Culture: Study plan; complete poem book, lease piano; practice singing, clarinet and dance; learn a few jokes, stories, music appreciation course or on our own; more plays.

Our company card designed by Traci Shiffman, now at Art Center.

Social Skills: dancing, work on speaking skills, communication, awareness, discipline, conversation, magic, cards.

Home Environment: Conducive to home entertainment; speakers in bedroom, stylish; design it; curtains; rugs; babyproof for Eric; refinish furniture, porch design.

Physical: 100% health; work out at Spa; Jazzercize; some sport; Consistent; wardrobe-develop personal style.

Intellectual: Some type of group-Aquarian Conspiracy; set up study program and center at desk. Reading program; Education program; goals.

Social Environment: Stimulating, aware, loving, humorous, and playful people. Closeness of family. Cards, take it as it comes.

Eric: health, loving environment, finance of future education; music, read up on child rearing.

Liz-help on career, wardrobe, development of our relationship; health, communication.

Hobby: Cooking, menus, new recipes, Literary Group; improve journalistic skills; fix greenhouse on porch, calligraphy; sewing, photography, Aikido, cross country skiing-try it out. Some alpine skiing; Los Angeles Book, travel tapes.

Correspondence: Discipline, birthday cards; presents for next Christmas for people; start early.

by James C. Stephens

December 9, 1980

Crowd mourns death of Beatles Legend John Lennon

The whole world was in mourning today following the senseless slaying, assassination of John Lennon last night outside of his apartment in New York by a local dingdong. Part of me died with John Lennon last night. As the real dominate force in the Beatles as a true human being, real in his actions and true to his beliefs, John was a noble part of us. His death was a blow to what we all stand for and for what John was so able to put to music and lyrics-Conviction, Justice, Love and Peace.

Sickness, Sick minds breeding more sick minds, guns, 2100 murders in Los Angeles county this year. My friend Jean Perkins struck down before her prime, craziness, paranoia, fear. Or a lesson learned, a determination made to enjoy every moment of life. I cried, I’m deeply angry too. Gun control is an absolute necessity. I will not let fear run my life and get a gun. I will also fight for peace and people’s freedom to live without fear. Gun control is an absolute must. A change is in the air. Things must change. We must wake up once again.

Eric is two weeks old today. We took him to see Dr. Wismen. He didn’t like the drafty office and being weighed and measured. He weighed 7 lbs. 13 ounces-up 1 lb. 4 oz. from his birth weight which the Dr. said was excellent since they usually just retain their birth weight. We asked questions regarding many issues we are faced with. I’ll record them tomorrow. Now I need to get some zzzzz’s.


Thunder and lightning last night. Talk with Bruce Barnes regarding the Youth Division. Talked with Al Algergate. Went to Beverly Hills Headquarters planning meeting regarding Youth Division proposals. Dropped off fruit offering. High Priest Nikkan Shonin here tomorrow for enshrining Joju Gohonzon for World Peace at the World Culture Center at 4 p.m. Liz has a ticket, I will be TCD (Traffic Control Division).

Doing Xmas cards. Translation work for Nori Hashibe. Greenhouse okay-ed. Finished History of Landscape Architecture class. Illness, feverish, nausea. Talked with Bruce Barnes about the philosophy of the Youth Division. Rain storm-first in 190 days. Laundry, laundry, laundry. Nice mail from the Kraus’s, letter from Dave Creek in Japan, Talked to Russ Dilando via Roger Warren. Encounter with Dave Martinez and John Boertge. Dialogue with Gary Curtis. Read “Enemy of the People” by Henry Ibsen. Judy Gold called.

by James C. Stephens

Monday, November 17, 1980

Last night, Sunday evening, I experienced a time of feeling total well being. I felt naturally high and was conscious of my entire body. I was relaxed and this indescribable feeling of wholeness came upon me. A feeling, a smile felt from the heart not the mind came upon me. Liz and I shared these moments together after a rough weekend. It was a calm, tranquility which defies description although it would be a challenge.

Today started off with a strange call from my colleague Lynn. Her flare for the dramatic approach to life and conversation are to me equivalent to an overdose of wine, depleting and consuming of one’s energy. She is a sick woman who definitely needs more psychiatric help. She turns around everything and sees negativity in people’s comments.

Observing her further validates my view on life that regardless of your familiar background, wealth, that you are in control of your destiny. In other words you can be as screwed up as you want to be. This women I will not waste my time criticizing. Let it suffice to say that she claims to be sophisticated being from New York, Californians are rather dull and very sharp. People that have to convince others of their talent and build their background up by slamming other’s culture are sick people. I think she has some charm and she’s hung up on thinking she’s attractive (which is only skin deep to use a cliche and also in the eyes of the beholder to use another). I do not feel the least sorry for her. I have very little sympathy for this women for some reason. She calls me a manipulator and when she says, “Can’t you see that I’m in pain? A friend would come over and hug me. I feel manipulated. She can not manipulate me and is obviously very pissed about it. I’m not the way she wants me to be. In other words she can’t wrap me around her little finger and I call her on her B.S. Well, I don’t have the inclination to waste my time on dead end relationships with people who have no desire to hear what I say or who do not appreciate my qualities. She can be as individualistic as she desires, as “eccentric” (crazy) not understandable or incoherent) as she wants, because I choose not to involve myself in that type of environment. Some one who tells me how to run my relationship with my partner Liz. Tells me.”she seems shallow, rude.” These are personal attacks against me. Any friend of mine, Liz, Michael, if someone attacks them unjustly I won’t stand for it. It is as if they are attacking me. Friendship is of the highest value to me. I will not stand for its rape. Friendship is an art of the highest level. This student is not ready, or should I say Lesson 1 is now under way for her. A very, very difficult one at that. Loneliness and acceptance of your personal responsibility for it. She doesn’t know how great a friend I for not falling for this crap she disguises as class. Pew!

Anyway, moving right along. That it for that subject. A ps on that. I’ve learned some lessons. I do have integrity. I am very perceptive. Intellect and intuition are partners. Without social understanding all the knowledge of pot holes covers in New York are meaningless. My abilities are not to be slighted by ill environs which involve unappreciative people. My life is to serve and unless recieved it is not serving. I too have to learn to listen to people’s heart, especially in NSA. Conflict with these people is not important to me any longer. I am a person of integrity and I enjoy being with people of sincerity.

Simplicity is not evil. Arrogance, avarice and stupidity, these are poisons. People are delirious and do not see. It is truly unfortunate. I cried last night feeling the pain of loneliness that so many people feel. I feel the desire to do shakubuku from my heart. I now know it is there if not always surfaced.

Meeting with Reverend Sakata and Francis Dean tomorrow.

No one has all the answers for you. Everyone is perfect. If a person causes me trouble, they are actually serving me for I see myself. It is a matter of seeing through the veneers of life, the illusion of Lynn’s life is playing a role in mins as well as mine in hers. Life is full of wonder and joy, tears, sorrow, all on the road to enlightenment, they are our servants.

I’m even more aware of Liz’s qualities, her superb beauty and love because of my interactions with others. I feel so fortunate compared to others. Not arrogantly. Almost sadly, wishing for others happiness. I don’t however feel apologetic about it. Is it a result of my years of practice to the Gohonzon? I’m beginning to suspect that it is. I’m so stubbornly skeptical or slow about things, but that is my nature and its my blessing to be this way, I’m convinced. I love myself. I’m feeling great about our baby on the way. The child must be real special. I feel this. I also feel anxious which I believe must be natural. Had a stupid disagreement with the Doctor today. One of those unavoidable occurences. Nothing like the other doctors though. Dr. Edwards is an alright guy, even though he is a little conservative. (If I recall he had some reservations about the Lamaze technique. ).

A step,… simplicity

A moment, ….honesty

Eternity,…. integrity

A Friend,… a heart, a soul, a lover

A teacher,…. a heart, a soul, a friend

A life, ….a death.


Last Friday had a meeing with Irene Bagge, head of Public Relations at UCLA extension regarding the Landscape Architecture Source Book. As far as I felt I got a straight shot from her regarding the idea. She gave me ideas on my approach to a proposal. She struck me as a shrewd, kind women of much experience who sincerely gives you her time. She’s a mover and also an Aquarian Conspirator. She was in Marilyn Ferguson’s early group. They are also dear friends.

Katsura Imperial Villa, Japan

Working on History project. Fascinating, absolutely fascinating. Katsura Imperial Villa and Peking. Whew! What mind openers and splendid entertainment.

Meeting with Progress Print editorial Board. Am getting some quality help finally. people willing to put out. First meeting at Land Images. Nori Hashibe, Penny Kelfalas, Lynn, Kathleen and myself.

Nori offered me a change to assist him in his translation project. He would translate the landscape articles about Hideyoshi and Rikyu into the best English he could and then I would polish it up take care of $200 tuition for me.

Met with Kathleen re: Landscape Architecture program. She has had some interesting experiences with Andrew Chadwick (now deceased) and French intensive bio-dynamic gardening. Studied back east. Talked about Peter and Steiner.

by James C. Stephens

September 4, 1980

Crossing the street I said, “Stop!” and you kept going. You saw the car with lights coming and the car with no lights. Yet you arrogantly went ahead denying a sincere request to be careful to go with care together. The giving of help was denied and so later although you were right you did not see you were not aware of the person’s feelings that was trying to help you. You did not receive that person’s giving.

Much like a rear end accident driving. The person driving screeches to a halt because someone in front of him stopped. He was not aware of the other person. He goes “saved. I just missed him.” And all of a sudden crash from behind. What he didn’t recognize is total awareness is necessary to survive. We always need to become more aware. Our pride, our “knowing” stops us from accepting help from our companions during the journey of life.

I am learning to accept from each person.

As the one bodhisattva greeted each person as the buddha.

Thank you universe for the dream and practical guide to seeing this reality.

Thursday, September 4, 1980

Song of Myself–Whitman (excerpt to me).

“Long enough have you dreamed contemptible dreams,

Now I wash the gum from your eyes;

You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light, and

of every moment of your life.

Long have you timidly waded, holding a plank by the shore;

Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,

To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again,

nod to me, shout, and laughingly dash with your hair.”

Thursday Evening, September 4, 1980

Couple of breaks today. Morning interview with Landscape Architect Mark Berry in Pasadena. Part time draftsman. Two-Nori said might be able to hire me as a consultant to Land Images on publications to public from their firm. Something Tom must have picked up from our conversation last week about company presentations. Getting your word out to the public. Never thought of myself as a consultant. Me?

Possible 2 day a week job. Big bucks maintenance for a guy in Mandeville Canyon. Possibly not my cup of tea. He is a perfectionist–pays well for it however.

Talked to Dad. Little irritated, somewhat resolved. My problem in dealing with people compassionately.

Dinner with Liz and Mike at Italian Deli. Nice talk and time. Mike dealt with a member compassionately. Good to see. Liz and I talked about this with Mike. Compassion–coming to another’s level without attachment to your own. Dealing with them one on one. I really need to work on this level.

Sunday, September 7, 1980

Time is of the essence.

Compassion is non judgmentality.

Purity is the vessel of love.

Arrogance is blockage and thereby a waste of time.

Being outrageous is an expression of inner creativity.

Being spontaneous blooms in a garden of compassion and union.

Time is constantly watching us.

Death waits for no one.

It has been quite a week. Last Sunday I attended the Seminar on Buddhism and the Creative Arts. Did Morning Gongyo with Mr. Wiliams. He spoke about, no he thanked all of us for our great efforts culturally in the past and conveyed Daisaku Ikeda’s feelings of gratitude and appreciation.

He said, “I need all of your support.” That rang so beautiful to my heart. NSA needs people too. The past was you need NSA. Sure and we all need each other too. Great. Beautiful. Warmth to my heart. This was a great start for the seminar.

Exercise: Take 20 squares of paper with first words that come to one’s mind. Read all the words out loud. Choose 6 and write a poem that expresses thoughts. Two stanzas-four lines each.

Had to leave went to Celebration of Learning at UCLA for the Landscape Architecture program. Interesting. Final day for kids. I wish I could have stayed or been at both places. Oh well.

Jerry Hall delivered an excellent 20 minute Gosho lecture on what I call “the union of essence,” irregardless of people’s own ego needs. The back to original groups. Some excellent dialogue then a breakdown in communication. Denise, Sonja, a barrier. Apparent to me, but time rolled on and the two never could bridge the gap, no true synthesis.

The beauty I saw in your eyes

The years I sought it outside

Now to realize I see the beauty of my own being

Women reflect so much to me

A friend calls it a shame

I call it a blessing.

Beautiful women, beautiful men, beautiful flowers.

A beautiful moon

All reflect the beauty of one’s own life.

Time, precious time

Life is but time

Time to be lived in style.


A Passionate Life.




Saturday night before the the Seminar, Mike and I had a spontaneous party. All my friends had already had plans or were gone. His friends showed up. It was disgusting and insulting. I was insulted by their low level of humanity. I won’t waste my time explaining. Let it suffice to say it was of the lowest caliber. Pig grunts would have been more welcome. I left the room of 10 (my own home) and went to bed where I found more joy being alone with Liz and watched a television program.

Two people asked on Saturday what was up. I had nothing to say to these people. Especially to Michael Rocquemore. I have not spoke with him in five days and feel better for the lack of his negative company. I love him dearly as a friend. My separation is proof of this and also proof of my commitment to my own life support network. He’ll need to change quite a bit. He has real deep seated problems and needs to work seriously on himself. I can not be a passenger in the same car,

Spent Monday with Liz on her day off. Quiet.

Tuesday spent all day with Warren Lausen. He is a Landscape Architect. Nice person. I learned a few things from him. He wanted me to work for him. $3.00 an hour~very poor office. I was about to accept. Mentor told me I could do better. Talked to Francis Dean which was extremely encouraging to me. We talked to the point about several items. I was encouraged by the interchange.


To scratch a word on paper

To wake and breathe in the morning air

A joy

Toasts smell

The parrots awkward squawk

The cat’s stillness

laying on the towels covered

director’s chairs

Living the moment

These are my teachers

my greatest joys are moments

Sitting together on the coach

Eyeing each other’s beauty

What more is desired

than to breathe and see

and hear life’s song.

A walk to the post office


A dinner at the Deli

across from you I revel in our beautiful relationship

No words to disturb what I’m feeling

Words–now I understand

When they say at an awards banquet

“i’m at a loss for words.”

The fog outside the covered windows

The lonely “bum” searching for his soul.

All this is life.

Life breathing, kicking in my love’s womb.

What can be that one’s destiny?

What can be our own?

The boisterous crowd in the coffee shop–



May the nightmare of destruction

Find peace a better vehicle

The bomb shelter is horror.

Long live

peace and humanity.


by James C. Stephens

Monday, May 26, 1980

This morning I worked on my schedule on the porch while taking in some sun. The air though was quite crisp yet the sun was obligingly warm.

Saturday Liz and I walked down to the Santa Monica Playhouse and thoroughly enjoyed their production of an episode in the life of Shalom Aleichem called The Crown Prince written by Evelyn Rudie. It was the romantic story of a Jewish family in Russia (3 girls) who hire a tudor, Benjamin and the goings on at that time in the movement of women, intellect, etc. A very funny, romantic and tearful story.

Mike, Kirk and I attended the Renaissance Faire on Sunday. There were only 100,000 or so others. Saw Judy, shot some arrows, enjoyed the obscene juggler and his antics, some Shakespeare, breaking some plates, throwing some softballs in an attempt to plunge someone into the water; participated in a giant spontaneous tug-a-war, and in general had a reasonably good time together.

Tonight we had a pleasant dinner over at Katie’s. Before going, Liz and I had an argument which produced some fine fruit. She realized I too need a person who on occasion would help me get to the root of my feelings. She always thought I was able to express myself. We reached an agreement and resolution with each other and proceeded into Katie’s to have a pleasant time and an enjoyable conversation about a variety of subjects. One of which was children, babies, diapers, different methods, etc., etc., etc.


Tuesday, June 3, 1980 12:30 a.m.

I resolved not to write in my journal unless my days’ goal of daimoku had been accomplished. Today was the first day since the beginning of my daimoku commitment that I have reached my target of 3 hours. I rose at 6:30 this morning and chanted a couple of hours, did gongyo and had breakfast. At 10:00 I gave Frank Dunbar a call at Erikson, Peters, Thoms and Associates in Pasadena to arrange an interview.

Much has transpired since I finished volume twelve of my diary a week ago. As you know Liz is pregnant which is a joy for both of us. We are quite excited and have set daimoku commitment of 2 hours a day for Liz and 3 hours a day for myself.

The Star System, a multi family, live work structure I designed.

Well Friday or should I say Thursday I spent a great deal of time getting ready for Progress Print, a student exhibit in the Landscape Architecture Program at UCLA. I showed a “Pleasure Dome” (LA Dome) and several drafting projects-reduced to 8 1/2 by 11″ sheets. They both looked quite smart. On Friday, Liz and I arrived at the Greenhouse quite early, about 10:00 to help set up the exhibit and help do last minute clean up. Liz and I worked on the Entry Sign with Frank Dunbar.

We finally got the sign up at about 2:30, and split for home to shower and prepare for the show. At 4:00 we arrived back. Bonie and I picked up the champagne and wine and had a nice talk on the way over to Trader Vic’s and back. She’s separated at present and quite unhappy. I feel for her.

The show was an outstanding success. The food and drink was excellent and the crowd was quite large.

The atmosphere was buzzing and many people were simply amazed by the work that took place to get the Greenhouse in order.

Pat Allen, Director of the UCLA Extension Landscape Architecture Program enjoying herself at Progress Print, the Annual Student Show set up in the UCLA Greenhouse.

The work was quite good, although variety was lacking. I was taken by the energy (and two glasses of champagne) and did a lot of hosting. Liz volunteered for “TCD” out by the Veteran gate and Mike fortunately kept her company. I meanwhile met a lot of people and handed out the program and tried to make some contacts for the newsletter, etc. Pat Allen was at first real frazzled, but calmed down and seemed really happy with the turnout. Michael, Kurt, Katie, and guest Tom, Adri, Vincent came out to the opening.

Nori Hashibe, one of the Landscape Architecture Professors who I worked with on several translation projects,

Afterwards we had a small party at the apartment. Katie/Tom, Bruce and Maggie, who couldn’t find the show and were disappointed stopped by, Mark and Paula, Jeff Silver, Mike and Kirk, Frank Dunbar and his wife Linda.

While Liz was talking to Frank, somehow it got mentioned I was looking for work in a firm. Frank said to me, “Give me a call on Monday. We’ll see what we can do. He works for Erikson, Peters, Thom and Assoc.

Monday morning I gave him a call. I have an interview on Wednesday at 11:00. He said they’re looking for a certain kind of person who can get along with people and has drafting skills and ability. He like what he saw in me.

We’ll see what happens. Today I must put together a resume and a presentation of my work.
